A heartwarming story about an unlikely friendship between a girl and a lion cub, Lena & Snowball will arrive on DVD, Digital, and On Demand January 12 from Lionsgate.
The Lena & Snowball DVD will be available for the suggested retail price of $19.98.
Bullied at school and lonely at home, Lena keeps hoping she’ll have a true friend someday. One afternoon, her dreams come true — in the shape of a cuddly white lion cub! Lena tries to keep playful Snowball out of trouble, but the clumsy poachers who kidnapped the valuable cub, and the cruel trophy collector who paid for him, are desperate to get him back. As Lena races to rescue poor Snowball, her new friend Jake will do anything to help.
Be careful, or Snowball will melt your family’s heart! CAST Melissa Collazo The Little Mermaid (2018), TV’s “Swamp Thing” and “Stranger Things” Wade Williams 3 from Hell, The Dark Knight Rises, Gangster Squad Bransombe Richmond The Scorpion King, TV’s “Chicago Med,” Hard to Kill Robert Knepper The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 & Part 2, Transporter 3, TV’s “iZombie” and “Prison Break”
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